Esoteric Hollywood: Willy Wonka’s Trauma Factory w/Jennifer Sodini

Jennifer Sodini of EvolveandAscend.com joins me to discuss three films of note: Gandahar, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and Star Wars for their deeper significance. In fact, not only are these films irredeemably bizarre, they also demonstrate deep occult notions, and Willy Wonka in particular (written by British Intelligence Agent Roald Dahl), a favorite amongst traumatized kids and those in the mood to get stoned.

Litvinenko and the Demise of British Justice

By James O’Neill | Dissident Voice | February 11, 2016 The publication on 21 January 2016 of the report by British Judge Sir Robert Owen on the death of Alexander Litvinenko was predictably seized upon by anti-Russian elements as confirmation of their conviction that Russia in general and President Putin in particular were the personification […]

Mind Control University: Jay Dyer w/ Tim Kelly on MKULTRA & Scientism

Tim Kelly invited me back to discuss the scope of MKULTRA which is often overlooked in the Hollywood hype of mind controlled assassins and trigger words.  In this conversation we cover the real scope and goal of MKULTRA and its locus of action which, far from playing out in foreign espionage, functioned primarily at the local state university.  From there, we consider the counter-culture as a conduit through which massive social change could be wrought, through propagandists like Tim Leary and Aldous Huxley.  Moving to the wider and historical scope, we investigate the ideological underpinn

Lugovoy Says MI6 Tried Recruiting Him Prior to Litvinenko’s Death

Sputnik – 22.01.2016 Andrey Lugovoy, accused of being involved in the death of former Russian FSB secret service agent Alexander Litvinenko by a recent UK inquiry, says the British intelligence tried recruiting him prior to Litvinenko’s death. On Thursday, a UK inquiry into the case of Litvinenko found his former colleagues Dmitry Kovtun and Andrey […]

Jay Dyer – San Bernardino Shooting: Islam, The West & False Flags

“Jay Dyer is behind the website JaysAnalysis, which is dedicated to investigating the deeper themes and messages found in our globalist pseudo culture and illustrating the connections between philosophy, metaphysics, secret societies, Hollywood, psychological warfare and comparative religion. Dyer deconstructs these subjects in his weekly talk radio show, Esoteric Hollywood.

ClandesTime 064 – Kingsman - Spy Culture

Today I am joined by good friend Adam of Themes & Memes to discuss the movie Kingsman. This is an action comedy set in the world of gentleman spies but beneath that exterior there is ultra-violence, a range of elitist, eugenicist philosophies, a rather sickening approach to sex, love and relationships and a whole lot more. So much, in fact, that even in this in-depth conversation we failed to cover it all.