Peak Stupidity: Deep State and mainstream media push ‘Trump is a spy’ nonsense (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the sheer stupidity of the entire ‘Trump is a Russian spy’ narrative being plastered all over the mainstream media, as neo-liberal shills and neocon war hawks continue to damage the Office of the United States President by insisting on pushing a made up story that a five year old child who waits for Santa Claus to bring Christmas gifts would have a hard time believing.

British spy Steele blows apart entire Trump-Russia collusion hoax (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss MI6 spy, Christopher Steele’s, shocking testimony in a British court which details how Hillary Clinton and the DNC had the entire fake dossier lined up as the ultimate insurance policy to discredit Donald Trump should he somehow win the US Presidential elections.
Meanwhile James Comey continues to lie to Congress on his involvement in the slow walking coup targeting Trump, as Michael Flynn battles to exonerate himself from Mueller’s witch hunt.

UK spy chiefs up in arms over Trump making public Russiagate surveillance requests – report

RT | November 22, 2018 A recent report alleges that British MI6 operatives fear that releasing the ‘Russiagate’ wiretap warrant on Donald Trump surrogate Carter Page in full will jeopardize intel-gathering and set a dangerous precedent for the future. British spies have “genuine concerns” that the publication of the unredacted version of the FBI’s request […]

Christopher Steele’s Russia Intel Sucked, Contradicted CIA Assessment: Solomon

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 11/21/2018 It turns out that Christopher Steele, the former MI6 spy tasked with creating an opposition research dossier on then-candidate Donald Trump using “Kremlin sources,” actually had terrible intelligence on Russian matters, reports The Hill’s John Solomon. In a business matter unrelated to the dossier, Steele boasted in a […]

Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger & Wemhoff Book – Jay Dyer (Half) Live 8PM EST

Tonight I’ll be covering Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger and Thunderball and their Cold War secrets, especially in relation to the first chunk of David Wemhoff’s book on the CIA’s Doctrinal Warfare Program. This is the free half for public viewing, while full talks can be obtained by subscribing at JaysAnalysis at the purchase membership section. 

MI6 knew that terror-suspect was tortured into giving false Iraq-Al-Qaeda info – report

RT | November 7, 2018 UK ministers relied on questions from a tortured terror suspect to make their case for the Iraq War, the Middle East Eye (MEE) has claimed. British spies fed questions to the suspect even though they knew of his mistreatment. According to redacted documents, seen by the MEE, an MI6 officer […]