
Lon Johnson-- And The Art Of Writing Off A Congressional District

Lon and Juliana-- unlikely to take up residence in Marquetteby Cheboygan CharlieBy reviewing Michigan’s Democratic politics over the last three years, one thinks he or she is reading the screenplay to a soap opera, or a comedic soap opera, aka a sitcom. Wrong. A thorough review of recent Michigan Democratic Party political history is a narrative that could serve as the epitome of the problems with our current Democratic Party. Let’s start in 2012.

Steve Israel Cutting More Of His Terrible Recruits Loose-- Jerry Cannon (MI-01)

Steve Israel picks candidates who disagree with these wild ideas-- and they loseBack in May, the DCCC announced they had reserved $43.5 million in TV time for endangered incumbents like Blue Dogs John Barrow, Nick Rahall and Collin Peterson and for Steve Israel's mostly wretched, conservative, doomed recruits.

Is Steve Israel Helping The CIA Infiltrate Congress With Its Own Agents?

I don't know the answer to the question posed in the title above. I've been trying to find out and I've been tracking down several leads. The names that come up most frequently are Kevin Strouse, who like all CIA spies bills himself as an "ex-CIA analyst" and is running against Mike Fitzpatrick in Bucks County (PA-08); Bobby McKenzie, another former CIA spy who glosses over that and calls himself an "ex-US State Dept.

Steve Israel's Reptilian Tendencies... Enough To Win Back The House? Probably Not

Sometimes I get confused between the national committees-- the DCCC, DSCC, DNC, RNC, NRSC and NRCC-- and the Beltway pundits that service them, particularly Cook and Rothenberg. Rothenberg's column for Roll Call Monday was a riot. I especially laugh when he and Cook defer to the DCCC and call their ridiculous side-show races "top tier" which fools no one (except, apparently Nancy Pelosi) as the money is flittered away on absurd candidates in absurd races.

DCCC Still Refusing To Go Up Against Vulnerble Republicans In Michigan-- Wasting Time Trying To Take Out Benishek Again... This Time WIth The Former Head Of Guantánamo

The DCCC has recruited a candidate to run in Michigan's first congressional district. Who knows where ex-Kalkaska County Sheriff (1987) and retired Army Major General, commander of the Joint Detention Operations Group at Guantánamo Bay gulag, Jerry Cannon, stands on any issues? He has a protypical DCCC-style website with absolutely no information about any policies or political stands. He doesn't even indicate he's a Democrat.