
Study Reveals Yet Another Reason to Limit Kids’ Screen Time

There is ample research which should give parents pause when considering whether to let the TV babysit their kids. One study even suggests that too much tube time can lead to poor bone health later on.
I don’t like to bash TV. A decade ago, I worked with teen moms and their babies in a group-home setting, and nothing seemed to calm the little ones quite like Baby Einstein videos. Those videos also had a soothing effect on my nieces and nephews when they were babies.

Study: If You’re a Coffee Lover, it Might Be in Your Genes

Scientists have identified a gene that may explain why some people have undeniable coffee cravings and hit the coffee pot multitudinous times a day. [1]
For the study, researchers looked at a population of people in villages in Italy, and conducted a genome-wide association study in which they examined markers in DNA and identified a gene called PDSS2 that could play a role in caffeine metabolism.

12 Minute Kickboxing Cardio Fat Blast Workout!

12 Minute Kickboxing Cardio Fat Blast Workout! Metabolism Boost For Weight Loss
This is quick 12 minute workout is part of Tiffany’s Kickboxing series! In this video focuses on boosting your metabolism to help you burn fat and get heart pumping.
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Schizophrenia and Autism Linked to Low Levels of B12 in the Brain

Researchers have found a common denominator in the brains of people with schizophrenia and autism: low levels of vitamin B12.
For the study, researchers examined the brains of those who have already passed away, with age ranging from the beginning of birth to 80 years old. Researchers found that vitamin B12 levels were 10 times lower in the oldest people compared with the youngest, indicating that levels decline consistently over the course of many years.

The One Amino Acid You Should Be Eating to Lose 62% More Fat

There are far too many fad diets out there that skimp on real nutrition, and worse, sell pre-packaged foods that are called ‘low fat’ when they also include GMOs, MSG, and a host of artificial colors and flavors. Aside, from simply detoxing your body so that you can lose weight safely, research shows that eating more protein, and specifically one amino acid in particular, can boost your metabolic rate 3 times more than eating a diet high in fat and simple carbs.

Glyphosate Proven to Be Making Milk Toxic

Need another reason to ditch Round Up chemicals, including its main ingredient, glyphosate? If you’ve got milk, then more than likely you’ve got a cow with a disturbed metabolism caused by Monsanto’s best-selling chemical brew.
In a study published in the Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, Dr. Kruger and researchers found that dairy cattle are affected adversely by glyphosate. Specifically: