mental health and the GOP

Trump Has Also Triggered A Mass Mental Breakdown-- An Economic Meltdown Will Only Make It Worse

If you're a regular DWT reader, you probably wonder, at least some of the time, how prevelent is mental illness among Trump supporters. Most people think rabid Trumpists are just stupid, but there is a big difference between mental illness and low IQs. Yesterday, USA Today published a report by Kelly Tyko about the Arizona woman, Melissa Rein Lively, who, earlier this month filmed herself tearing down a mask display at a Target in Scottsdale.

Chicken/Egg-- Why Are People In Blue States Healthy And People In Red States Sickly, Unhealthy, Diseased And Dying Off?

In short, are people in red states sick because of the Republican policies that are created by the politicians they vote for or is the fact they're sick make them vote for politicians who create those policies? A new report from the United Health Foundation ranked every state in the union, as it has been doing for almost 3 decades. Here's the ranking )along with what percentage of the vote Trump won in each state):

Forget About Trump's Mental Illness, He's Causing The Whole Country To Have A Breakdown

Do anxiety levels seem higher among the people you interact with since Trump managed to win the White House? I don' feel more anxious or tense at all, but nearly all of my friends appear to be, particularly my women friends, but men as well. Some literally seem on the verge of nervous breakdowns. And the whole nation-- or at least the part of it that I'm in touch with-- seems obsessed with Trump.

Trump’s Mental Health-- What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? What is a Sociopath?

-by Helen KleinMuch has been said about Trump’s mental health, particularly of late. Indeed, his continuation of astonishing tweets and comments gives cause for alarm. The bells are ringing loudly! Unlike some earlier assurances that were made, Trump has not become “more presidential” as this election season has unfolded. Frighteningly, he has become increasingly and astoundingly less so.

Was it just a coincidence that John Oliver dealt with Jason Chaffetz right after a fine segment dealing with mental illness in America?

"I don't know what's worse here, the fact that the Secret Service is so petty that they broke the law to embarrass Jason Chaffetz, or the fact that they're so stupid, they didn't realize, if you want to embarrass Jason Chaffetz, just wait, he will do it for you." Watch our Jason have fun with charts! And later show his, er, gentle side as he breaks down at thought of, um, the death of President Lincoln? (Had he maybe just heard the news?)by KenAnd you thought that with "Sunny John" Boehner we had just about scraped the bottom of the barrel as regards speaker-of-the-House material?