Memorial Day

The Best Way to Honor Fallen Soldiers Is to Stop Sending Troops to War

Every Memorial Day, Americans pay their respects to soldiers who have died while fighting for the US military. Though the good intentions and courage of those who enlist in the armed forces are admirable, the best way to honor those individuals on this holiday—and every day—is to stop sending them to war.

Memorial Day

The sun came out today. It’s been gone for a while. That means all of the lawnmowers came out too. It’s been soggy around here, and any chance for a fellow suburbanite to cut the grass is taken up immediately. It’s loud outside. It sounds like the humming of dozens of gasoline-powered bees. I mowed the front yard yesterday, and that was enough for now. The backyard will probably be a swamp until July. It’s best that I leave it alone.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAs we remember those who died in military service, let us remember that, among other things, they gave their lives for our right to vote, so use that right in November or this mentally ill fascist dirtbag gets to make their sacrifice a sacrifice for nothing.Some gave all. Some gave nothing. One got a doctor to write a note about fake bone spurs and then set off on a career as a con man.

Humans Have Done Too Much Killing, Try Peace Now Before It’s Too Late!

We approach Memorial Day honoring the ultimate sacrifices made by 1.4 million American military men and women who died in America’s wars since 1775.  We must discuss the horrific impact of war on surviving soldiers and civilians.  For only they can teach us working for peace is a better option than fighting wars. Each death in war brings everlasting tragedy[Read More...]

Resisting Imperialist Militarism On Memorial Day

The United States is the most militarized and jingoistic nation on earth. Its foreign policy is guided by imperialist militarism, neoliberal capitalism and racial xenophobia. For more than sixteen years now, three presidential administrations have carried out a so-called “War on Terror” (GWOT), a perpetual state of war that is waged globally, under the depraved reasoning that “the world is[Read More...]