
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWell, here's a swell sample of the Trump 62,000,000. Here they are, taking time off from Future Pipe Bombers Club for one of their daily stormings of the Michigan state legislature in order to intimidate any legislators that might have thoughts of backing policies that could save their lives, the lives of their families if they have any, and the lives of the rest of the citizenry.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahHis mind is almost completely gone now. But, it will continue to get worse. I made the above meme over a year ago but I never used it because I knew this time was coming. Anyone who watched him speak during his campaign for as little as two minutes could see and hear the mind rotting from within. During the debates you could see it, too, when he crept up behind his opponent to menace her as she spoke.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahMike Pence was instructed to wear a mask when visiting the Mayo Clinic last week. It's common sense and standard policy. Ah, but not if you're a Repug! You think those things like policies and laws don't apply to you. Especially if you're a member of the monstrosity known as the Trump administration. Masks? We don't don't need no stinkin' masks! What the hell do we care if some vulnerable patient gets coronavirus and dies.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:Nope, no social distancing needed! Not to worry, the Lord will protect those who believe!And no mask either, but it's just as well since no mask can hide what these people are. Those pictured have repeatedly made it obvious that they joyously subscribe to a "Christian" message of death, hate and sadism. In a year, I want to see a count of how many of the people in this picture are dead, dead, DEAD from COVID-19.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTruckloads of commandeered disinfectant products and syringes! Screams and chants heard coming from the Oval Office! Tsunamis of suds oozing out of the White House windows! The Trumpanzee has completely flipped his wig (or whatever that is) now as he screams "I alone can fix this! I alone can fix this!" Mike Pence, Kellyanne Conway, and Stephen Miller egg him on: "More Tide Pods, Mr. President! More Lysol! Much more Lysol!

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt's May 1st everybody! May Day! May Day! May Day, indeed! Over 62,000 souls G-O-N-E. And counting.• One day, it's like a miracle. It will disappear.• By April, it miraculously goes away.• This is their new hoax.• We'll reopen by Easter!• This is a pandemic. I always knew it was.• We have it under control!• I don't take responsibility at all.• I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute. One Minute!• I'm a very stable genius!

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahHere's a fun activity while we're spending so much extra time at home: Instead of injecting yourself with whatever President Jim Jones recommends, why not try rearranging your bookshelves so the titles make a complete sentence. It kills some time and, who knows, you may rediscover an old book you once loved. You can even send pictures of the sentences you come up with to any shrinks you know.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAnd don't forget to rake your lungs!At this point, I would also like to see Republikooks start spreading the fake news amongst themselves that joining a snake handler church cult is the way to go, but, with a twist: Tell them that rattlesnake venom kills the virus. Tell them to put a little extra faith in their god and let those rattlers bite them. Or, how 'bout they just baptize themselves in a river full of 20-foot anacondas?