
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahBy now, you've probably seen the front page of Sunday's New York Times which lists 1,000 or the 100,000 and counting virus victims. While normal people have a normal reaction to this ongoing nightmare, President Psychopath really seems to have a deep need to always put an exclamation point on the fact that he really doesn't give a shit.Well, perhaps that's not really fair of me.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday ThoughtsThere are so many great stories of Republican Orange Jesus in the Republican New Testament but I chose the one mentioned in tonight's meme. A close second was the one where he has Betsy DeVos send some of his militant penis-challenged jihadists to the Michigan state capitol to wave their guns in the air like the terrorists that they aspire to be.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahPresident Psychopath Adds Line Of Caskets To His Business Profile!I can certainly see this really happening if it hasn't secretly happened already. It could even be his first successful business venture! After all, he's doing everything in his power to grow the customer base! Trump Caskets just might succeed where Trump Airlines, Trump Wines, Trump The Game, Trump Steaks, Trump University, his own marriages, and so many others have failed.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahDateline Washington, DC:President Donald Trump, America's leading advocate for the coronavirus took to the White House Rose Garden today to proudly announce the transmission of at least 2,000,000 cases of the virus along with a death toll of 100,000 American citizens. Speaking before a small assemblage of reporters and pointing to his Transmission Accomplished" banner, the president said: