
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThen: June 6, 1944.Now: June 6, 2020.What if FOX "News" had existed back then? Do you ever wonder whose side Trump's propagandists at FOX "News" would be on? I don't. I think the likes of Tucker Tiki-Torch, his fellow white supremacist Sean Hannity, the Hilter salute gal, Laura Ingraham, and the rest would probably be trying to broadcast their pro-Nazi propaganda from a hidden bunker or a ship at sea. Sure, there are degrees of fascism.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAre we tired of "so much winning" yet?I'll tell you what I'm also tired of: I'm tired of eople saying that the catastrophic and total failure of the Trump presidency is due only to incompetence. Sure, Trump is a mental case but that does not mean he is incompetent. Quite the opposite in his case. You don't achieve all three items listen in tonight's meme in just one term of office if you are merely incompetent.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTrump fantasizes about a lot of things, not the least of which are being on the cover of TIME Magazine and/or being Hitler. He even has fake magazine covers made so that he can hang them in his offices to impress the parade of vermin that visit him there. So, it's appropriate that other people, those who have a better grip on reality, should make faux TIME Magazine covers too. Who knows?

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahA few interesting and revealing factoids to go with the above cartoon:1) President Pandemic has decreed that everyone he comes in contact with in his administration must be tested every day while he tells his red-hatted cult that testing is "overrated" and "not needed," and "get out there and re-open up America." That shows the level of contempt that he has for the people he has conned into voting for him and cheering him on.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI love Republican signage! It so often gets right to the core of their nihilism and stupidity, and they're so proud of it too! This sign comes to us from a convenience store in Manchester, Kentucky by the name of Alvin's. Generous spirit that I am, though, I'll give Alvin some credit. At least he spelled every single word in his sign correctly. Nailed it, Alvin! Good on you!