
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:I'd like to think that a totally insane goof like Franklin Graham would be pleased to hear that I've changed my heathen ways and started believing in God and praying to him. If you happen to run into Franklin, please tell him that I've been very Christian and unselfish in my prayers. Tell him that I make my entreaty to the Lord, as shown in tonight's meme, in the interest of humanity gaining a better world to live in.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe above clip from The Villages, a Flor-i-duh retirement community, could easily run as an advertisement for FOX "News." It has all the elements: Golf carts, Trump 2020 signs, and Republican guys screaming "White Power. White Power!" All it's missing is Tucker Tiki Torch, Laura Ingraham throwing a few nazi salutes, and a Confederate or Nazi flag or two, or five.I am, in fact, shocked that the clip hasn't been running as an ad on FOX half-hourly since it first surfaced this weekend. And why did it surface?

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahToday is the 1-year anniversary of the consummation of Trump's love for Kim Jong un behind closed doors. There were no witnesses meeting with Kim where he most likely made some private deals and asked Kim to use North Korea's prowess in computer hacking to help him win reelection this fall. All you have to do to surmise what went on is ask yourself who and what the two men are and how they operate.I hereby present the above clip in honor of Donald J. Trump's bullshit North Korean photo op and sell out of our country to yet another dictator who he worships and grovels before.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:Jeez, Pence always has to imitate Donnie Clown Shoes! First there was that conference room thing with the water bottle. Then Donnie Clown Shoes had trouble navigating a ramp at West Point so Pence then just had to fake stumbling up a stairway. What's next? Oh, I see Jesus pushed him! Not bad, Mr. Christ, not bad! This is like when you did your famous Antifa move on the money changers. Good on you!