
Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahPresident Mental Case has launched his all out attack on the electoral process of the United States Of America. Say that to yourself again so it really sinks in. He's afraid that his friends in North Korea or the GRU in Moscow, or wherever may not be able to hack enough voting machines in enough voting precincts to hand him what he sees as the dictatorship that he and his Republican $enators feel he is entitled to.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahNow who could argue with that!Ladies and Gentlemen, the Stable Genius in free verse. The Stable Genius in his own words! The Stable Genius with the best words! The Idol of the 62,000,000! His hair is perfect, washed daily, and he knows the "people who do the dishes" even though he's never done one himself! Ever. He doesn't even eat off dishes. He eats out of a trough and out of taco bowls. Keep the lid down.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahNow there's a Trump request I can get behind! Challenge accepted! Please allow me that fantasy.I'll assume Donnie Psycho's statement refers to next January 20th, IF he loses. If he wins? Both he and the country will decline at an even faster rate. I wonder, though; the way things are going, what are the odds that he'd last 'till the end of a second term? Suppose he started choking on a pretzel, like Dubya. Would you save him?

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Flor-i-duh Pastor Rick Wiles is living proof that the insane walk free among us. Not only that, but, too often, they have radio shows and large numbers of followers, self-proclaimed "Christian" followers in this case. Wiles is one of those all too common "Christian" evangelical Republican types. It's hard to even look at him without seeing a MAGA propeller beanie on his head and a swastika armband on each arm.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAnd I for one have stopped stepping on the scale... Problem solved! I am no longer overweight! Nothing beats Trump logic!But, seriously folks, Trump logic aside, the temperature has been hitting 90 degrees or higher in most of this great infected land for a bigly tremendous amount of days now and those coronavirus cases haven't disappeared by any miracle that I can see!

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahGood satire always has a ring of truth. This one is ringing louder every day. How long before families start reporting missing loved ones who went out to protest and never came back? "Last seen being taken into an unmarked GMC van" may become a constant sad refrain. The history of humankind tells us that that is next. It's certainly the kind of thing the sickos of the Trump administration and their supporters in Congress dream of.