
What Will It Take For You To Vote For Status Quo Joe?

If you follow this blog, you know I detest Biden and have no intention of voting for him. I didn't just discover him when Obama decided he needed a conservative white guy to balance his ticket; I've followed Biden-- and his putrid record-- since the 1970s when he jumped into politics as a Republican who switched to become a conservative Democrat and whose first and signature issue was racism.

Study: Medicare for All Would Save 68,000 lives, Half a Trillion Dollars Per year

A new study published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet has calculated that a switch to a Medicare for All healthcare system would save the United States over 68,000 lives and over 450 billion dollars annually. The report’s team, headed by Dr. Alison P. Galvani of Yale University, concluded that, “the shift to single-payer health care would provide the greatest relief to lower-income households” and reduce overall health spending by 13 percent.

What's Worse-- Biden's Sincere Belief In Austerity Or Trump's Belief In Nothing But Personal Corruption?

Trump's a monster, no doubt about it. He's a grifter who has not an ounce of patriotism nor the will towards public service in his bloated orange body or his misshapen shriveled soul. That said, unlike Joe Biden, Trump is not driven-- the way his party is-- to destroy Social Security and Medicare.

Are You Waiting To Go To The Dentist Until Bernie Starts Implementing Medicare-For-All?

If you’ve been reading DWT with even the slightest regularity, you probably know what a big fan of Medicare I am. I feared it when I was in my late 50s because I had what I thought was perfect private insurance, a platinum plan that AOL-TimeWarner gave to divisional chairmen and presidents. But once I retired and turned 65, I had to move to Medicare-- and just as I was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer.

What Do You Do About Democratic Candidates Who Oppose Medicare?

From 1905, when it was first introduced, to 1965 when a Democratic landslide the year before than finally allowed it to pass, Medicare had been opposed by conservatives-- of both parties. In its last few years before passage, Wilbur Mills (D-AR), the completely conservative Democrat sexual predator and alcoholic who chaired the then all-powerful House Ways and Means Committee prevented Medicare from being voted on.

There's No IQ Test To Get Into Congress

The debates have taught me that many of our politicians don't understand what Medicare is beyond a Medicare-For-Dummies synopsis they may have read once. I noticed that as the case with Tim Ryan (D-OH), no brain surgeon to begin with. The fool got into an argument with Bernie about Medicare and thought he could skate by as though he and another drunk congressman were in a fact-free zone arguing.

Hard To Say Who Would Be Most Likely To Kill Medicare In 2021-- Trump Or Biden-- But I'd Guess Biden

The Economist's new poll from YouGov could signal choppy waters ahead for the NRCC. Their "Socialism!!!!" campaign is-- of course-- falling flat. Well, wait; it's isn't totally falling flat. The fascist and neo-Nazi base and hate talk radio fanatics and fans of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson love it. But that's not moving any dials when independents and conservative Democrats just laugh it off.