
Mayo Pete And Status Quo Joe Are Fighting For Less Choice In Healthcare

The B-Team-- not as bad as TrumpEveryone should know who Wendell Potter is by now. Aside from being a bestselling author and a advocate for health insurance reform, he's an outspoken former health insurance industry executive (CIGNA), who saw how the health insurance industry could easily game Obamacare and became an early advocate of Bernie's Medicare-for-All proposal.

Americans Say They Want Fundamental Change To The Healthcare System-- But Do They Really?

Obamacare Repeal by Nancy OhanianIf you don't want any fundamental changes to the healthcare system, you have a choice of candidates to choose from. You can stick with Trump and pray he keeps failing to make it much worse. Or you can choose one of the timid corporate Democrats running on timid corporate platforms...

Supporting The Lesser Of 2 Evils Means You Are Supporting Evil-- Trump Is Worse Than Biden But...

Feeling the pressure from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie-- and the energy among grassroots activities they have inspired-- Biden's team of weasels is talking about making some kind of symbolic gesture so Status Quo Joe can pretend he stands with working families instead of the Wall Street crooks who are underwriting his campaign and who he has always kissed up to.

Destroying The Democratic Party Brand-- And Agenda... Meet The Filthy, Corrupt Blue Dogs

Bernie vs Establishment by Nancy OhanianI don't know how to get people I don't know off my Facebook "friends" list without going through all 5,000 names and deleting people I don't know. More than 90% of what I use Facebook for is to provide links for my DWT posts. Lately I've been getting a lot of comments like this: "Jesus Fucking Christ....I do not care who the Dem candidate is!