
Cancer Breakthrough: Blood Test Detects ‘Cancer Symptoms’ 10 Years Before they Begin

Researchers at Swansea University in the United Kingdom have found that mutations often occur in red blood cells before any symptoms of cancer appear. These mutations can occur as many as 10 years before actual symptoms appear, making the test what scientists call a “smoke alarm” for cancer. They state that early detection of cancer is key for survival. [1]

Life under fire in Syria: interview with Eva Bartlett

Sep 2, 2016,

“Since 2008, Eva has spent more than 3 years in Gaza documenting Palestinian life under Israeli rule. She has also visited Lebanon and, since 2014, has just come back from her 5th trip to Syria, the latter for 9 weeks, to bring back firsthand accounts of what daily life is like for the Syrian people who have been subjected to a Western imperial war for the past over 5 years.”
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DEA Says Marijuana Will Remain Illegal at the Federal Level

Many hoped that the Obama administration would reschedule marijuana from a Schedule I substance to a Schedule II substance this year, but no such luck. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) also announced on August 11 that marijuana would remain illegal under federal law. Other Schedule I substances include heroin, LSD, peyote, ecstasy, quaaludes, and bath salts, among others. [1]