
Medicaid : des millions d’Américains pauvres sont exclus de la couverture médicale

Des millions de personnes se retrouvent exclues des listes de bénéficiaires de Medicaid, ce qui réduit à néant la plus grande progression de la couverture médicale depuis l’Obamacare. Source : Politico, Adam Cancryn, Megan MesserlyTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Les États-Unis sont en train de démanteler l’un des derniers piliers de leur filet […]

Biden’s Covid Emergency is a Dictatorial Abuse

New York Post, October 15, 2022 President Biden keeps the COVID ‘emergency’ going so he can act like a dictator By James Bovard The Biden administration proclaimed Thursday that America’s COVID “emergency” continues. Yet last month President Biden told “60 Minutes”: “The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing […]
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Even In Oklahoma Some Voters Realize Trump Sold Them A Bill Of Goods

Cone Of Shame by Nancy OhanianOklahoma is a Republican hellhole. The Governor is a crackpot Republican as are both U.S. Senators. Of the 5 members of Congress, the only Democrat is Blue Dog Kendra Horn, who is so far right that there are, from time to time, mainstream House Republicans less extreme than she is. The state Senate has 9 Democrats-- and 39 Republicans and the state House has 76 Republicans and 25 Democrats.

What's Worse-- Biden's Sincere Belief In Austerity Or Trump's Belief In Nothing But Personal Corruption?

Trump's a monster, no doubt about it. He's a grifter who has not an ounce of patriotism nor the will towards public service in his bloated orange body or his misshapen shriveled soul. That said, unlike Joe Biden, Trump is not driven-- the way his party is-- to destroy Social Security and Medicare.

Seniors In Kentucky Need Coverage For Eyes And Teeth, No?

In July, 2015, Alan Grayson introduced a bill, H.R. 3308, Seniors Have Eyes, Ears, and Teeth Act. It was a short, easily understood piece of legislation, an amendment to the Expansion of Medicare Coverage: "To expand Medicare coverage to include eyeglasses, hearing aids, and dental care." Sounds good to me, as it did in 2015.

House Republicans plan cuts to all infrastructure spending to support massive military budget

A 2019 budget plan cooked up by House Republicans aims at cutting all federal spending that isn’t defense related in an effort to reign in the debt problem. It includes massive cuts to medicare, medicaid, Social Security, education grants, welfare, and other programs aimed and softening the blow of America’s growing poverty rate. Meanwhile, this comes about while Trump is cutting taxes on the rich, introducing a ‘Space Force’, and providing massive increases to military spending.

Trump Administration Moves to Undermine Centuries-Old Native American Treaties

The Donald Trump administration has proposed a major change to Native American health program, by dismissing their sovereignty and classifying them as a race, under which the Indigenous communities will be included in Medicaid work rules, a move which could further marginalize them and pose a serious threat to their health access.

Jason Westin And The Children’s Health Insurance Program

Last year Blue America looked carefully at the race in the west Houston congressional district held by Paul Ryan rubber stamp John Culberson. The district, which went from a pretty red area with a PVI of R+13 in 2015 voted 48.5% to 47.1% for Clinton (after giving Romney a 59.9-38.6% win over Obama) and now has a more manageable R+7 PVI.