media irresponsibility

Iran’s blustery rhetoric is a good sign that it is cornered

Life often imitates Art, and Art often imitates Life. If this is held to be true, then one can deduce that the recent “fury” of Iran’s blustery rhetoric is an indication of futility for that nation’s leadership. While it is possible that this is wrong, here are some reasons that in many ways the world community views this latest situation with Iran and the United States as just another day at the office.
News outlets in the US, both liberal and conservative are beating the war drums with extraordinary irresponsibility.

Who are the real warmongers? Probably not who you think.

John Bolton. Mike Pompeo. The US warmongering senators of the past and now. The late John McCain. American colonialists or imperialists. All of these people are no doubt getting absolutely lambasted today and in coming days as warmongers, in the news surrounding the apparent downing of an American Navy RQ-4A Global Hawk in the area near the Strait of Hormuz early Thursday morning, local time. The only problem is that they are not the real warmongers. The real warmongers are far, far worse than any of the named people above.