media criticism

The Incantational Bewitchment of Propaganda

Edward Curtin We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the America public believe is false.” William Casey, CIA Director, February 1981 All propaganda succeeds because it satisfies needs that it has first created.  If you follow the daily rat-a-tat mainstream news reports and react to them, you will be caught in a labyrinth that …

With a “left press” like this, who needs fascist media?

Mark Crispin Miller It pains me to say it, but Caitlin Johnstone—whose work I used to champion ardently, defending her against the crypto-Stalinists at Counterpunch—is one of many “leftists” who keep partying like it’s 2019. Same with the interminable Noam Chomsky, The Nation, Consortium News, MoveOn, Popular Resistance, Nation of Change, Covert Action Bulletin, Naomi …

The BBC Are A Disgrace

Iain Davis Recently the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 received a call from John in Manchester who Vine and the BBC labelled as an “antivaxxer.” John’s conversation with Vine was revealing. Not necessarily for the content, although John made some good points, but because it exposed the BBC for what they are: an agenda driven propaganda organisation. Similar …