Media Cog

George Galloway talks to Eva Bartlett about the dire state of US and UK coverage on Syria

“Fortunately, every now and then a journalist emerges who goes where few dare, who speaks what few will speak, without fear or favor. One such journalist is Eva Bartlett, so we invited her into the Sputnik studio to speak truth to power.”
Sputnik co-hosts George and Gayatri Galloway talk with independent journalist Eva Bartlett about the dire state of western corporate media coverage on Syria over the last 7 years. Watch:

Pure Propaganda: White Helmets Stage Video of ‘Rescuing’ Babies for Western Media

Latest White Helmets video production end with ‘first responder’ dumping another dusty baby on an ambulance gurney for a photo-op (Source: NBC News)
This last week has been productive for the White Helmets, having expanded their their studio lot from Idlib, down to terrorist-occupied suburb of East Ghouta, Damascus, with both sites running the same familiar story-boarded scenes and production values.

Episode #220 – ‘Remembering Robert Parry’ with Patrick Henningsen, Mike Robinson

Episode #220 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Feb 4th 2018 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you a very special LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) – covering all the top news stories worldwide…
5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12am PT (US)

An Important Message This New Year

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
This year began with a moment on brevity.
As I opened my inbox to check my emails on New Year’s morning, I was shocked to find a message from Robert Parry, founder and editor of Consortium News, informing us that he had sustained a stroke and was hospitalized on Christmas Eve. Apparently he’s back at home now, and we hope recovering well.

Deconstructing Olivia Solon’s Dim Conspiracy Theory of ‘Russia-backed Bloggers’ Undermining UK FCO White Helmets

This week, a Guardian journalist named Olivia Solon, based in San Francisco, was tasked with the job of attacking and slandering any independent journalists who have dared to challenge the Guardian’s own establishment party line on a UK government-funded ‘Syrian NGO’ run out of Turkey and erroneously