
Apocalypse Trilogy! The Thing, Prince of Darkness & In the Mouth of Madness W/Tristan

TRISTAN joins me to REVISIT and cover two of my favorite topics – John Carpenter and the end times.  Luckily, John Carpenter has given us an insight into the end times in his famous trilogy.  I covered the trilogy a few years back, but now that things are buckwyle crazy than they were, we can learn even more from Sutter Cain, the green goo and Kurt Russell.  We’ll look at the Cold War and the thing and its GMO theme, the CERN-ish portal green demon gnostic base matter goo of Prince of Darkness and the Antichrist, and the hell mouth opened up in Mouth of Madness.


Esoteric Hollywood & Alien Engineering: Jay Dyer on Veritas Radio

Mel invited me on the popular Veritas Radio Show to discuss my books, propaganda, the collapse of old Hollywood, the nature of control systems, and how pop culture works to form our minds.  This interview is unique, as Mel is an experienced interviewer who asks tough questions that made me think.  We cover 80s films, 90s films, MK ultra films, and how Hollywood is using the alien agenda for the next phase of initiation.

Worldview Warfare & the Philosophy of Psychological Operations – Jay Dyer / Donald Davis

Author Donald Davis joins me to discuss his book on worldview warfare.  Davis has investigated multiple layers and levels of reality to construct a metaphysics of worldview warfare.  We will see here, at a meta level, the interconnectedness of spiritual warfare, the demonic, psychological operations, religious engineering, history, music and more, all collide to initiate the modern masses into a new paradigm.  Donald’s book can be purchased here. Live at 8PM CST 


The Multiverse & Big Philosophy Talk – Jimbob + Jay Dyer

Made by JimB0b joins me to discuss big philosophy questions in relation to debate, logic, life, meaning and the arts.  We will be covering atheistic materialism and its assumptions, Neoplatonism and its insights, how math relates to metaphysics, the question of the one and the many – what it is and how it relates to ontology and more! Live at 9Pm CST


Metaphysics & Hollywood – Jay Dyer on Pogovor

Conversation/interview with Jay Dyer at Pogovor, a prolific author, philosopher, social critic, critic of Hollywood as a tool to promote narratives, who is also an orthodox Christian: We cover transcendental arguments for the existence of God, for ethics, debates with Stefan Molyneux, Matt Dillahunty, as well as debates with Muslim scholars: the struggle for narrative, about Kantbot, dialectical materialism, and much more. Enjoy!

Great Reset Happytalism & Dolphin Love (Half) – Jay Dyer

Today we cover a couple works I was able to get ahold of, namely John C. Lilly’s revealing autobiography and a futurist book with essays discussing UBI, technocracy, the new era of spirituality and more.  The past two weeks have shown us the world is fast moving into this new era. Streamlabs now replaces superchats here.  Live at 4PM EST