
Operation Paperclip, Gladio, OSS & CIA, PATCON and COINTEL Fronts Explained

The Audio is here. Patrick Henningsen and Jay Dyer discuss the history of Paperclip and Gladio, cointel operations, FBI informants and cut out organizations that have been used as staging grounds for shadow government operations and destabilization operations. Patricks show is here. Sign up for Richard Grove’s newest course on becoming self sufficient as a […]

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah The above is an indication of the gruesome direction the Republican Party has been headed in for decades and there is no evidence indicating that they will ever change direction. If today is how it is in 2020, take a look at 2022. The idea that the Republican Party would actually support the candidacies of the alleged terrorist militia members pictured in tonight's meme is no longer far-fetched at all.