
5 Reasons Monsanto Will Continue Losing Money in 2015

The biotech giant known as Monsanto is facing major financial downturn amid the backlash from consumers over their concerning GMO creations and the international rejection of various GMO exports following the confirmation of crop contamination across the United States.
Going further into 2015, it’s clear that this GMO behemoth has many more obstacles to face that will most likely lead to a continued loss. Here are the top 5 reasons Monsanto will continue to lose money (and at the very least, reputation) in 2015 and beyond.

McDonald’s Assaults Reporter Asking About McNugget Ingredients

What does it take to get physically removed from McDonald’s? Apparently, as I found out, all it takes is to ask one of their employees about what’s actually inside their McNuggets. It even resulted in a whopping 7 police officers at the scene to ‘escort’ me off their property. All for asking about the McNuggets (which I was never able to purchase).

Fast Food Giants Losing Cash Desperately Try to Convince You They’re ‘Natural’

In a move that follows the continued loss of profits for fast food giants like McDonald’s, Burger King has announced that it will be dropping soda from its kids meal options — a move that undoubtedly comes as the food chain titans realize that the end of fake junk food is coming quicker than expected.

The 19 Ingredients in McDonald’s Fries – Including a Form of Silicone Found in Silly Putty

Ever wonder what makes up highly popular fast food, such as McDonald’s chicken nuggets or french fries? If the fast food giants recently launched ‘transparency campaign’ tells us anything, it’s that the public is increasingly demanding truth and change. But what McDonald’s ‘truth campaign’ isn’t telling us is that much of its food is lathered in questionable, health-compromising ingredients.