
If that funny-talking Limey John Oliver thinks he can embarrass "Miss Mitch" McConnell, he's got another think coming

John Oliver tells us all about the "Thurmond Rule" -- andshows us Miss Mitch calling it "this rule that doesn't exist""If the President has trouble doing nothing, we will be more than happy to show him how it is done."-- Senate Majority Leader "Miss Mitch" McConnell, asquoted this morning by the

Re. release of the "Senate Torture Report," what might Beethoven's Don Florestan and Donna Leonore have to say?

"We need reliable intelligence," Young Johnny McCranky said today on the Senate floor. And, he insisted, "Torture produces more misleading information than actionable intelligence."by KenEarlier this evening Howie wrote about the will-they-or-won't-they-release-it situation of the "executive summary" of what I'm just going to call the Senate Torture Report.

Seriously now, is there any reason why Senator McCranky should be taken seriously about military matters -- or anything else?

Is Young Johnny McCranky explaining to NY Senators Gillibrand and Schumer about his superior background and experience?"The strongest argument for Senator Gillibrand's approach [to curbing sexual abuse in the military] is that the military's been saying the right things for about thirty years on this, and the problem hasn't been fixed."-- Sen.

Who gave the House Republicans the pencil?

One of New York's greatest buildings, Cass Gilbert's U.S. Custom House, is now home to the Museum of the American KenIt's one of New York's greatest buildings, the Beaux Arts former U.S. Custom House (1902-07) designed by Cass Gilbert, standing proudly below and overlooking historic Bowling Green, near the southern tip of Manhattan -- and now home to the Museum of the American Indian (and also a Citi Bike bike-sharing depot).

Behind the scenes with the Gang of Eight -- with a glimpse at how these folks see themselves and their jobs

Are you ready for this? Young Johnny McCranky seems to have taken it in his silly head that he is now some sort of conscience of the Senate. Ha ha!by KenAs some readers will recall, I'm not a great fan of The New Yorker's Washington correspondent, Ryan Lizza. I almost always feel the problem we're always aware of with reporters who depend on "inside" contacts, namely that the price of access is almost always some form of cooptation.