
When John McCain Grappled with the Best Congress Money Can Buy

Trainwreck by Nancy Ohanian-by Skip KaltenheuserMost recent plaudits for John McCain focus on flashes of character on his campaign trail when he condemned crazed birther and racist attacks on candidate Obama. I’d like to jump in the Way-back and travel to when McCain earned a “maverick” label.Give Senator McCain praise for his early efforts at campaign finance reform, done across the aisle with then-Senator Russ Feingold.

Will Republicans Lose The House Because Of What They're Passing Or Because They're Bogged Down In Internal Conflict?

A couple of months ago AARP ran TV ads warning of the dangerous to seniors inherent in TrumpCare. Now, they're about to spend over a million dollars to run more ads, this time targeting key Republican senators-- the 5 they ran ads against in May-- Jeff Flake (AZ), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Dan Sullivan (AK), Cory Gardner (CO) and Dean Heller (NV)-- plus 6 more: Chuck Grassley (IA), Joni Ernst (IA), Rob Portman (OH), Lamar Alexander (TN), Bob Corker (TN) and Shelley Moore Capito (WV).