May Day

An American Babushka in Moscow: May Day in the Former Soviet Union

When I first came to Russia I was thrilled by any artifact of the Soviet Union, by every Red Star I saw atop a building, by every hammer and sickle bas relief.  The statues of Marx across from the Bolshoi, of Engles standing tall in the small park across from Kropotkinskaya Metro sent shivers up my spine.  But I will[Read More...]

Commemorating the First Martyrs of labour history of the world: Kashmir weavers’ agitation of 1865

Every year, the world commemorates the victims of Haymarket affair that took place on Tuesday, May 4, 1886, at Haymarket Square in Chicago, by observing May 1st as International Workers’ Day in their memory; albeit in Canada & US, 1st September is chosen as Workers’ Day. On that fateful day, the workers had gathered peacefully to demonstrate & advocate for better[Read More...]

The US Is One of the Only Countries That Doesn’t Recognize International Workers’ Day

Most of the world recognizes May 1—May Day—as International Workers’ Day. Here in one of the few countries that doesn’t, it’s worth pausing to ask how U.S. workers are doing.
At an event last December, Fight for $15 organizer Terrence Wise recalled “going to bed at night, ignoring my own stomach’s rumbling, but having to hear my three little girls’ stomachs rumble. That’s something no parent should have to endure.”
Wise was marking the launch of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.

May Day 2018: Exploitation, NO! Expropriation, NO! Unite for Justice!

Interview of Monthly Review analysts In view of the historic May Day, May 1st, analysts from Monthly Review, the famous independent socialist magazine, identify tasks the working classes should press with. In the following interviews, conducted in early-April, John Bellamy Foster, Professor and Editor of Monthly Review; Fred Magdoff, Professor Emeritus, and one of Monthly Review’s closest associates; and Michael[Read More...]

‘May Day’: Militancy Needed To Create The Economy We Need

Co-authored by Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese Seventy years of attacks on the right to unionize have left the union movement representing only 10 percent of workers. The investor class has concentrated its power and uses its power in an abusive way, not only against unions but also to create economic insecurity for workers. At the same time, workers, both[Read More...]

 May Day in a Neoliberal Society

A Forbes article entitled, “On May Day, Communism Is A Much-Closeted Joke” proclaimed the triumph of neoliberalism and the end of celebrating workers as follows: “Once its biggest self-celebration, May Day now signals Mayday for global communism. Just a half century ago, it seemed irrepressible, now communism is just reprehensible, with the relevance of a renaissance festival. Ironically, it is[Read More...]

The Future Works ….

  Yes! There are atrocities Rapes Murders Lynchings ….. But Also there are protests Agitations Strikes Struggles …. Egging on the masses For future peaceful lives Though the ‘ opium’ of religion Is engulfing the world over People are coming out of intoxication To challenge the fanatic power The legacy of Marx Unites the workers To observe May day With[Read More...]

Watch what happens when you wave an American flag in Cuba

Ever since the Cuban Revolution of 1959, Cuba has not exactly been the most pro-American country in the world.
Cuba’s May Day celebrations therefore are not exactly the kind of place to express a pro-American message, but one man did just that when he ran through a May Day parade route waving an American flag.
It has to be seen to be believed.

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