
Essence, Energy & Aristotle – Dr. David Bradshaw, Jay Dyer, Fr Dcn Ananias

The eminent Orthodox scholar and professor Dr. David Bradshaw, author of the well-known book Aristotle: East and West joins me and Lewis and Fr. Dcn Dr. Ananias to discuss all the hot topics – Aristotle and his different use in East and West, the Orthodox fathers and philosophy, the essence – energy distinction in Aristotle and beyond, the Logos and the Logoi, the western conception of simplicity in Aquinas and Roman Dogma, natural theology, and the critics.

Genesis Explained 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

We return to the Genesis series as we cover the second chapter and its significance for man, as well as the secret prophetic and symbolic meanings, recalling the patristic analysis as well as the canonical context and typology. Genesis 2 focuses on the covenantal relationship between man and God, while chapter was cosmic in scope. I also explain the silly fiasco with Inspiring Philosophy at the outset as well as how it’s necessary to follow me on the backups. Live at 630 PM EST 


Biblical Symbolism, Allegory & Mystagogy – St. Maximos – Jay Dyer

Today we cover the lesser known work of St. Maximos the Confessor, the Mystagogy, which delves into the symbolism found in the churches, the liturgy and the Bible. It also sets St. Maximos’ means and methods of interpretation off against natural theology and natural law. Revelation is necessary for interpreting the natural world.


Lost Name of God? The Divine Names of St Dionysius Areopagite – Jay Dyer (Partial)

The writings of St Dionysius the Areopagite are some of the most famous and controversial in the history of theology and philosophy. However, most forget to dissect the actual text itself, being caught up in the debates about authenticity. In this talk we look at the treatise titled The Divine Names and uncover how it’s possible to speak of God, what is apophatic theology, how did St Dionysius speak of logoi, the energies of God in Dionysius and much more! Full talks are available by subscribing at the purchase membership page.

Popes, Protestants, Palamas & Philosophy: Jay Dyer on GlobalStoryline

Dean Arnold invited me back to Global Storyline discuss Eastern theology more in-depth in relation to the foundations that divide – from filioque to St. Gregory Palamas, to the issues of Augustine and Aquinas, we investigate the theological and philosophical issues that led to the reformation, enlightenment and western atheism.

JaysAnalysis: Basic Metaphysics – Logos and Logoi (Half)

This is the first half of a full talk which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year. In this talk, I give a basic introduction to classical metaphysics and theology based on St. John of Damascus’ Fount of Knowledge: The Philosophical Chapters. We cover the seminal terms and concepts and how they relate to forming a proper worldview and critical thinking, and how the modern world has robbed us of this inheritance.