Max Boot

Top GOP Donor/Crackpot Defeated Hours After Trump Endorses Him

Yesterday's kiss of death-- in Wyoming!The two states that bought into Trump's bullshit the most fully in 2016 were West Virginia and Wyoming-- 68.5% of West Virginia voters and 67.4% of Wyoming voters. Both are big coal mining states. Hillary did worse in Wyoming-- 21.63%-- than anywhere else. Teton was the only county in the state she won-- and none of the others were close.

Watch: Professor Stephen Cohen Schools Neocon in CNN Debate on Russiagate

(ZHE) — Stephen Cohen schooled prominent ‘Never Trump’ neocon and Council on Foreign Relations member Max Boot on CNN’s Anderson Cooper this week on the Trump-Putin Helsinki summit and general charges related to ‘Russiagate’. It’s worth watching especially as it underscores why recognized academic experts are rarely given airtime on the mainstream networks if their perspective lies outside the accepted media […]

Stephen Cohen DEMOLISHES neocon tool Max Boot on CNN (Video)

Russia scholar Stephen Cohen absolutely destroys neocon pundit Max Boot after Boot called Cohen a “Russia apologist” on CNN.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked the two men if the American public should be concerned about US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin having a two-hour meeting behind closed doors during a summit in Helsinki, with only their two interpreters to witness the meeting.

Trump Can't Control Himself But Not Even Depends Will Solve His-- And America's-- Problem

Trump's motivation has aways been self-enrichment; it's how he experiencing whatever it is he's ultimately looking for: acceptance, status, approval. And since his earliest days he's never been able to control himself, not for anything. And no one else has been able to control him either, which is why he's been such a loser and why's he's always been such a criminal.

No, The Founding Fathers Weren't "Ordinary Men," Not In The Way Scott Walker Means It

Trump's knowledge of American history is as thorough as his knowledge of everything other than grifting. That's why so many morons love him so much; they see themselves in him. I guess there's nothing we can do about that. Even when Max Boot speculated in his Post column yesterday that "If Trump announced he were going to spit-roast immigrant kids and eat them on national TV (apologies to Jonathan Swift), most Republicans probably would approve of that too," he was right on target.

Top Republican Historian Is All In For A Democratic Win In November-- And Some Very Specific Advise For Max Boot

Max Boot is a 48 year old Republican historian who was born in Moscow. His parents emigrated to L.A. when he was young and he now lives in Westchester County. He writes books and essays for establishment publications, generally of the right-wing persuasion. He described his own politics like this last year:

Can A President-- Even An Illegitimate One-- Be Guilty Of Treason?

The Diplomat by Nancy OhanianYesterday, the NY Times reported that Señor Trumpanzee "upended two days of global economic diplomacy late Saturday, refusing to sign a joint statement with America’s allies, threatening to escalate his trade war on the country’s neighbors and deriding Canada’s prime minister as 'very dishonest and weak,' In a remarkable pair of acrimony-laced tweets from aboard Air Force O

Debunking the Cynics in Mainstream Media Who Spit Upon Korea’s Historic Triumph For Peace

By Adam Garrie | Eurasia Future | 2018-04-28 While the leaders of multiple nations have praised the efforts of Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in to open a new chapter for peace and reconciliation between the divided Korean states, certain voices in US mainstream media remain cynical in the face of a moment of joy for […]