Maureen Dowd

Was Accountability For Team Cheney-- A Nest Of War Criminals-- Ever Taken Off The Table?

Darrell Issa's idea of a scandal for his House Oversight Committee to investigate is an entirely partisan witch hunt like "Benghazi!" Though the magnitude around 9-11 was a thousand times greater on any scale, there's never been a peep out of Issa or any of his right-wing colleagues about the dereliction of duty on the part of Cheney and his administration inherent in that catastrophe.

The Clintons certainly aren't above criticism, but aren't they entitled to fair treatment?

Joe Conason says that the NYT's reporters "dished out unflattering, largely irrelevant anecdotes about Band and Ira Magaziner [above], whose work at the Clinton Health Access Initiative has provided vital drugs, tests and medical services to millions of patients across Africa and around the world.""if Dowd and her Times colleagues were honestly interested in what the Clinton Foundation does with its funds, including the millions raised annually by President Clinton himself, all th