
Woodward book reveals Mattis call for “collective action” against President Trump

Via Revolver News (…
The first red flag is buried in Bob Woodward’s latest book on the Trump Administration, Rage. According to the book, former Defense Secretary James Mattis spent much of his tenure in office plotting to undermine the elected leader who appointed him.

How Sure Are You Trump Is A Fascist-- And Is That News To You Or Have You Known All Along?

With the exception of Putin-puppet Michael Flynn, Trump has now publicly denounced all of "his" generals. Thursday night, in a typically school yard insulting way, he went after his former Chief of Staff, General John Kelly.Friday morning Kelly slammed back in an interview with former White House communications director and ex-Trump crony, who Kelly had fired.

Liberal Mush From the Mad Dog

In his statement to The Atlantic magazine, former Defense Secretary General James Mattis says of the events of the last 10 days that have shaken the nation as it has not been shaken since 1968:
“We must not be distracted by a small number of lawbreakers.”
Is “a small number of lawbreakers” an apt description of wilding mobs who have showered cops with bottles, bricks and rocks in 40 cities, looted stores in the hundreds, torched police cars, and injured dozens of Secret Service personnel defending the White House?

Who Is Provoking Violence And Looting In The Nationwide Racial Justice Protests?

I keep hearing every elected official who talks about the protests-- and especially the looting and vandalism-- claim that the "troublemakers" are agitators from out-of-state. Which state? Someone is coming into California to rampage down Rodeo Drive and then Hollywood Blvd? I don't believe it-- and neither should you.

I Was Lucky To Have Gone To Afghanistan; The U.S. Wasn't

Yours truly, in Morocco, 1969, just before setting out for Afghanistan (so sanpaku)In 1969, the Hippie Trail from Europe to India went right through Afghanistan. I spent 2 years driving a VW van from London to India and back. I left Mashad in Iran, drove along a bumpy, unpaved truck road to the border crossing at Islam Q'ala and suddenly was in another century: Afghanistan. Herat was the first stop before Kandahar, Ghazni and then Kabul.