Matthew Yglesias

Fighting Back Against Trumpism In Political Arena-- Don't Count On The Senate Democrats, Let Alone The Senate Republicans

If someone wants you to send money to support Foster Campbell in Louisiana, they want you to waste your money. Trump beat Clinton in that state 58.1% to 38.4%. The top vote-getter in the Senate election that day-- there were 2 dozen candidates-- was John Kennedy (R). He took 25% of the vote. The second most votes went to Democrat Foster Campbell (17.5%).

Panama's Mossack Fonseca Has Certainly Become Very Famous Over The Weekend... Here's Why

I bet everyone inside Fortress Hillary in Brooklyn breathed a sign of relief when the Panama Papers of money launderers and assorted financial criminals started leaking and didn't show any Clintons, Mezvinskys or any of the other shady characters they've surrounded themselves with. I'm told, though, there's plenty more to come.

Free Education Is A Good Investment For Any Society That Wants To Stay Vibrant

I was a little disappointed yesterday. One of the guys from the Progressive Caucus called and we went over the new progressive budget proposal. They have a good idea built into their budget... but it only goes halfway to where we need it to go. If Republicans and conservative Democrats don't team up to kill the proposal-- which they do every two years like clockwork-- it would reduce the cost of current loans while creating a system for debt-free higher education for college students.

Can The Toxicity Of Ted Cruz Actually Be Trumpf's GOP Insurance Policy?

At Trumpf's bund rally in South Carolina a few days ago, he Islamophobic remarks got most of the news. But did you miss that he also seems to be coming up with some kind of a plan to "do something" to the Internet? He told his audience of lo-info fans that "We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet. And we have to do something. We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening.