Matthew Grimm

You Expect Republicans To Oppose Pro-Union Legislation... But I Want To Introduce You To 7 Anti-Working Class Democrats

On Thursday night, the House passed Bobby Scott's PRO Act-- Protecting the Right To Organze (H.R. 2474). There were only 5 Republicans-- all in swing districts-- who voted with the Democrats to pass this. There were, however, 7 anti-working class Democrats who crossed the aisle in the other direction, Blue Dogs from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. (It passed 224-194.) These were the so-called Democrats who opposed it:

Our Final Week's Get Out The Vote Ads In Heartland Districts The DCCC Is Ignoring

We asked Blue America members and DWT readers to vote on which districts they wanted us to add our new Get Out the Vote ads with the song Matthew Grimm wrote for us. So, right now, besides the ads running in WI-01 and NE-02, districts where Randy Bryce and Kara Eastman are running, we are also running ads in KS-04 (above) and IA-04 (below), where James Thompson and J.D.

ANGER-- Can Be Potent... Just Ask The GOP

American Voters Are Angry-- But Democrats And Republicans Are Angry About Different ThingsRepublicans are most angry about the idea about Democrats trying to impeach Trump and about undocumented immigrants. Some Democrats are angry about undocumented immigrants too-- and keep in mind border crossings by undocumented immigrants are way up in 2018 than over 2016-- but they're not angry about impeachment. What Democrats are pissed off about are children in cages (Trump's family operation policy), Russian interference with the election and... Trump himself.

The Trump Economy On Labor Day, 2018

It was a VERY different GOP in 1956Yesterday, AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka was on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, a show Señor Trumpanzee watches. Trumka pointed out that Trump has "used his office to actively hurt working people [and] to date, the things that the Trump and his anti-worker regime have "done to hurt workers outpace what he’s done to help workers...

What Happened Last Night? Alexandria's Earthquake-- And The DCCC Stinks Up The Room Again

NY-14 voters knew exactly what they were voting forOn Wednesday mornings after elections, I like giving a recap of the important things that happened, at least important to progressives. I was all set to start with the way Jason Crow and he's sleazeball allies-- we're looking at you, Steny-- stole the CO-06 election from Levi Tillemann. We'll get to that soon.