matthew ehret

Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again

Originally Posted on the Strategic Culture Foundation Throughout the four-year drama of Russiagate, the hand of British intelligence has revealed itself continuously. From the obvious role of Sir Richard Dearlove and his former MI6 underling Christopher Steele who together played a driving role in shaping the dodgy dossier, to their involvement with Oxford Rhodes Scholar Strobe Talbott in composing, […]

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Matthew Ehret

This week’s edition of False Flag Weekly News featured Kevin Barrett and the Canadian Patriot Review’s founder who discussed 30 topics over 60 minutes ranging from Trump’s resistance to the COVID lockdown, dirty laptops, vaccination programs sponsored by the Military Industrial Complex, the fraud of Green New Deals, Great Resets, the race to stop WWIII […]