Matt Taibbi

U.S. Involvement in Yeltsin’s Russia: From "America’s Colony" to "Number One Threat"

Veteran Moscow reporter Mark Ames discusses American encouragement and complicity in what I call the oligarch's "rape of Russia" under Boris Yeltzin, and how that led to the rise of Putinby Gaius PubliusI'm going to keep the reading part of this piece short and encourage you to listen to the above interview, with veteran reporter Mark Ames. His main point and mine — the U.S. is responsible for what I call "the rape of Russia" (or "extreme privatization," a classic Bill Clinton goal) by Boris Yeltzin and the newly created oligarchs because it suited U.S.

Resistance In The Age Of Trump, A Theme You Can Expect To Read About For 4 Years

Last year, one of the very first candidates Blue America endorsed for Congress was Jamie Raskin, a Maryland state Senator and constitutional law professor at American University. We knew him from his work as a counsel at People for the American Way and as the very skilled and successful majority whip in the state legislature.

Meet Billionaire Hedge Fund Crook John Paulson, Trumpist And Guillotine Candidate Du Jour

John Paulson, who has managed to accrue 10 billion lightly taxed dollars for himself, made his fortune in 2007, using credit default swaps to bet against the subprime mortgage market, profiting as people were kicked out of their homes. A few years later he threatened that he would move to Singapore if his taxes went up.

Why Are Working Class Americans Dumping The Party Of FDR For The Party Of The Trumpanzee?

The two top contenders for the Democratic nomination for Florida's Senate seat are congressmen Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson. They don't have much else in common. Murphy is the handpicked dull-minded candidate of the party establishment, chosen specifically to assuage Wall Street banksters demanding Schumer balance out Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Sherrod Brown.

Reflections on an Election Year When It Finally Hit the Fan

Part of Last Conversation Piece by Juan Munoz, by the Hirshhorn Museum. Its conspiratorial feel, with panicked outsiders, seems apt for Washington.- by Skip KaltenheuserFrustrations on the coverage of the Democratic primaries have been slow-cooking quite awhile. Not just with the networks, I’m also looking at you, National Public Radio.