Matt Taibbi

What Do You Think-- Should We Make The Democratic Party More Democratic?

I just got off the phone being interviewed by a journalist for GQ about how punk bands fought off Nazi sympathizers from the suburbs who couldn't understand the concept of irony and got uncomfortably serious about fascism. The Dead Kennedys, The Clash, Black Flag are the best known among them early on and soon after, Green Day embraced the mantle.

Is The Kremlin Working To Turn Out An Audience For Trump And Strange In Alabama This Week?

Friday or Saturday (depending on if you're paying attention to Trumpanzee's tweets or to Luther Strange's campaign announcements], Trumpanzee is traipsing off to Huntsville to campaign for appointed incumbent Republican Senator Luther Strange, who is currently running several points behind far right psychopath Roy M

Is It News To You That Politicians Speak Out Of Both Sides Of Their Mouths On Drug Reimportation?

The video clip above is an allegory-- a pop culture fantasy of how Bernie Sanders felt when fake liberal-- how did he not know?-- Cory Booker helped the Republican predators kill his drug reimportation bill, a bill killed by Cory and a dozen other Democrats putting their donors before their constituents. Matt Taibbi has been on fire lately.

The Democratic Party Brand Needs Some Work-- But Not By The People Who Ruined It

In his Rolling Stone essay after Gianforte beat Quist in Montana Thursday night, The Democrats Need A New Message, Matt Taibbi included a litany of excuses the DC Dems always have on hand to explain why they've been losing all the time-- even to monstrosities like Gianforte, Staten Island Mafia thug Michael Grimm, patient-raping-doctor Scott Desj

If The Democratic Party Doesn't Stand For Something, It'll Just Turn Into A Clintonian Mush In A Big Pointless Tent

As I've been explaining over the last couple of weeks, when Blue America tries to get to know candidates as part of our vetting process, we basically try to understand where they are on the issues involving economic opportunity. Where do they stand on living wage vs minimum wage? How do we achieve universal healthcare?

Will Ryan Postpone The TrumpCare Vote Again Today?

Would it change your negative feelings towards Trump voters-- not the racists, the others-- if you understood the "sea of despair" their lives have become? That's how the Washington Post described their state of mind yesterday, based largely on a new report from the Brookings Institution, Mortality and Morbidity in the 21st Century.