Matt Taibbi

Who's Your Favorite Freshman? America's Sweetheart, Part IV

If Fox keeps it up, AOC is going to be president when she turns 35I mentioned earlier that not all the freshmen are like AOC. A number of people seemed offended and asked me what I meant. I was thinking about independence, smarts, solidarity, relatability, dedication... that kind of thing, which holds up well against... well, careerism.

There Are Democrats... And Then There Are Democrats-- They're Not Interchangeable

Rolling Stone's politics guy, Matt Taibbi welcomed the new version of the Weekly Standard (RIP), The Bulwark by noting that "Neoconservatives, the architects of the War on Terror, are the political version of Jason in Friday the 13th: You can never bank on them being completely dead. They just hide under a log until the next funder appears."

Bernie: Breaking The Cycle Of Mediocrity And Mendacity

As Jonathan Bernstein made clear in an OpEd yesterday for Bloomberg News, Americans have become inured to deceit and manipulation from our political class. And he wasn't even speaking about Trump. His piece was on Paul Ryan's farewell speech. Unlike many inside the Beltway, Bernstein has long recognized Ryan as a faker and a fraud.

"Moderate" Is A Valued Political Term-- But What Does It Mean And Who Gets To Define It?

America's most popular political leader is pushing positions popular with voters but not with billionairesThe word "moderate" is more popular with voters than words like "liberal" or "conservative," and politicians always try to claim the word for their own agenda (which is rarely much more than careerist).

Big Surprise! Reactionaries Don't Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Odd how the establishment is perfectly fine with this, but rails hysterically against OcasioThe attacks against Alexandria Ocasio are coming in hot and heavy from a very freaked out establishment worried that their power is being challenged my someone with two much color, two few years, two little fealty to "the system" and too wedded to ideas that, if enacted, would do far more than Trump even meant about draining any swamps.