Matt Taibbi

Obama Really, Really Wants To See Trump Defeated Next Year

When Glenn Thrush reported that Obama tried talking an increasingly less alert Biden out of jumping into the race for the Democratic nomination fearing his former VP could "damage his legacy," I wondered whose legacy that "his" referred to, Biden's or Obama's. "You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t," Obama told him.

The Status Quo Establishment Decides To Destroy Medicare-For-All By Destroying Bernie

"Hell hath no fury," wrote Michael Corcoran at Truthout on Tuesday, "like a coalition of health care lobbyists scorned."The insurance industry, Big Pharma and other stakeholders in the status quo of "healthcare" spend immense amounts of money annually on lobbying and on legalistic bribes to politicians. To stop Medicare-For-All...

Porkins Policy Radio episode 181 Robbie Martin on Israeli Art Students, ecstasy trafficking, and Russiagate victory laps

This week good friend Robbie Martin joined me to discuss his latest podcast for Media Roots Radio, Ecstasy, Israeli Art Students, and the Mossad. We talk about the importance of the phenomenon of the so called Israeli art students and why it deserves more attentions. Robbie and I touched on how this story tends to get brushed aside by many in the conspiracy community, in favor of the Dancing Israelis and right wing theories about 9/11. Robbie talks about the history of the Israeli art students and how this spy ring operated inside America during 2000-2001.

A Full Half Hour With Bernie

That video is the whole 30 minute CBS This Morning interview John Dickerson did with Bernie early yesterday. He explains why you should vote for him as part of a grassroots, non-Beltway, revolution. He doesn't want to criticize his Democratic opponents but I'll reiterate that had we paid attention to the centrist, "moderate" politicians in the mid-1770s, we still might be 13 British colonies. If we had paid attention to the centrist, "moderate" politicians in the mid-1800s, slavery might still exist.