Matt Cartwright

TPP-- How Did Venal Corporate Special Interests Turn Their Defeat Into Victory?

Are we that dumbed down as a society that we're going to do it AGAIN?The catastrophic trade package that Obama and Boehner are so determined to deliver to their Big Business and Wall Street contributors doesn't appear ready to die-- not by a longshot. While progressives were celebrating how they had beaten them back last week, the Dark Forces regrouped and came back, with a vengeance.

You Know What They Say About Old Dogs And New Tricks-- Meet Crooked Conservative, Ro Khanna

Republicans know they will never win the CA-17 congressional seat. It's way too educated, way too blue for them, D+20. So wealthy GOP plutocrats are bankrolling a sleazy, conservative fake Democrat, Ro Khanna to run against beloved progressive icon Mike Honda. It won't work any more than Khanna's past ridiculous races against Democrats Tom Lantos and Pete Stark.

Conservative Dems Work With Republicans To Cut Food Stamps

Matt Cartwright: "I did not come to Congress to kick the most vulnerable Americans off of food assistance."After all Obama's talk about equality of opportunity in the State of the Union last night, at 11 this morning House conservatives rammed through a horrendous $100 billion farm bill taking another $800 million a year from the food stamps program and preserving subsidies for wealthy farmers.