Eyes Wide Shut 30 Years BEFORE? Eye of the Devil Analysis – Jay Dyer

30 years before Stanley Kubrick made the highly revelatory film Eyes Wide Shut, another film had shown a similar dark side to the elite: Eye of the Devil, starring none other than Sharon Tate, then wife of Roman Polanski. Given her other roles and Polanki’s other films (Polanski did not direct Eye of the Devil), we see yet another window into the dark side of the elite, their worship of bloodlines and the connections between Hollywood and medieval gnostic sects. Be sure and share, click like and subscribe!

Society Is Made of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From the Matrix.

(CJ Opinion) — In the movie The Matrix, humans are imprisoned in a virtual world by a powerful artificial intelligence system in a dystopian future. What they take to be reality is actually a computer program that has been jacked into their brains to keep them in a comatose state. They live their whole lives in that virtual […]

Stephen Hawking’s Last Words: We May Live in a Holographic Matrix

(ZHE) — Before he passed away in March, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking had published more than 230 articles on the birth of the universe, black holes and quantum mechanics. But, ten days before his death, Hawking finished his final theory on the origin of the universe  – now published posthumously – and it offers an interesting departure from earlier ideas about the nature of […]

Tech Billionaires Are Secretly Funding a Plan to Break the Human Race out of The Matrix

(ANTIMEDIA) — On the southwestern edge of Lake Titicaca, Peru, there is an ancient 23-foot doorway known as the Aramu Muru. Local natives call it the “Puerta de hayu Marca,” the gateway to the lands of the gods and immortal life. Throughout their history, the natives have described people disappearing and appearing at this doorway.

OJ Shot JFK! The JFK King-Kill 33 Psy Op

Testing out some new video software on my iPhone, we shot a rough video at the Grassy Knoll. As Chris and John at Hoaxbusters propose – what if the JFK fiasco is itself a large-scale theatrical PsyOp? Do we *really* know what went down that day? What about Michael Hoffman’s thesis of a king-kill ritual and dramaturgy? Was he a created martyr for the Cold War and so-called “democracy”? Bearded, hot and haggard, I discuss this.