mass killings

Yet Another Senseless Mass Killing: Women and Children Among 25 Dead

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — This week, 25 people were slaughtered in yet another mass killing, and half of those deaths were women and children. But you won’t see these murders broadcast relentlessly on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, nor discussed at length in social media threads. That’s because the U.S. military committed them in their crusade against the Islamic State’s “last […]

Americans Are Horrified by Mass Killings — Unless the Government Is Doing It

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — As Americans continue to rage over the Valentine’s Day school shooting in Florida, expressing indignation at both the atrocity and efforts to impose (or reject) gun control, the U.S. government has acknowledged its own perpetual addiction to violence. According to two letters released by the federal government last week in response to an inquiry from Virginia Senator […]