
Coronavirus Fact-Check #17: Masks STILL Don’t Work

Both the US and UK have seen the (attempted) re-introduction of facemask mandates amid “surging Covid cases” in the New Year. On January 9th, ABC news headlined: More US schools institute mask mandates as COVID cases rise Reporting that public schools in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Michigan were re-introducing mask mandates. That follows late-December …

Steve Poikonen Interview – A Review Of 78 RCT On Masks Finds No Reduction Of Infection

Joining me today on Moving Target is Steve Poikonen, here to discuss the absurd nature of the current propaganda, in essentially every category, as well as the collapse of the COVID narrative in particular.  ( (Click Here For The Rokfin Exclusive Livestream Starting @1:05pm CDT)   Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated: (3FSozj9gQ1UniHvEiRmkPnXzHSVMc68U9f)

Incentivizing Censorship: A Snitch in Every Skull

Helen Buyniski An informational iron curtain is coming down across the West, and its architects are determined to make examples out of those who refuse to pick a side. Our Democracy™ has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for pollution of the information ecosystem, and the Thought Police are standing by to halt rogue infodemics in their tracks, lest …

If We Ever Needed George Carlin

So, there are no other ways to look at the lab-generated, multivariant SARS-2 than through the lens of mass murdering complicit media and the charlatans of propaganda, all in the employ of billionaires, millionaires and high income folks in this Big Pharma-Big Medicine-Big Feat triage of destruction? Who the hell with a normal-functioning mind believes […]
The post If We Ever Needed George Carlin first appeared on Dissident Voice.

What Science?

When all the science provided no support for the prophylaxis of mask wearing (in fact, even pointed out the health hazards of mask wearing) or social distancing, and the vaccines were still in testing phase, people were being ordered to mask up, stay inside, and when outside the home to keep their distance from others, get vaxxed, boosted, boosted again and again. Each time the science was cited and never presented.
The post What Science? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

First, Do No Harm

Todd Hayen Medical doctors. Ya gotta love ‘em, and ya gotta hate ‘em. From Norman Rockwell’s iconic Saturday Evening Post portrait of the idyllic American doctor, to the Nazi’s rendition of eugenic “medicine” through evil incarnate Josef Mengele. Obvious to say: doctors as a whole are not all bad. But wow, what a history! And …

Where Have the Voices for Liberty Gone?

Michael Lesher In early 2020, when American liberals wailed in unison that the First Amendment’s guarantee of the right of free assembly was a prescription for national suicide – and not one significant American civil rights organization protested – I should have known where we were headed. Still, almost three years later, I am dumbfounded by how rapidly a …

Of Economic Crises and Pandemics: Facebook as Fact, Government as Truth, Big Pharma as God

Colin Todhunter If events since March 2020 have shown us anything, it is that fear is a powerful weapon for securing hegemony. Any government can manipulate fear about certain things while conveniently ignoring real dangers that a population faces. Author and researcher Robert J Burrowes says: …if we were seriously concerned about our world, the gravest …