
How Elites Weaponised the ‘Precautionary Principle’ Against an Unsuspecting Public

The precautionary principle originally counselled against untested interventions, but more recently elites have inverted it to impose evidence-free measures on a terrified public, arguing "better safe than sorry".
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Defining Dictator Down Won’t Make Us Free

Defining Dictator Down Won’t Make Us Free By James Bovard   June 20, 2023 For 27 seconds last Tuesday night, Fox News posted a chyron beneath a video of President Biden: “Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested.” That sparked a media uproar over what was portrayed as the […]
The post Defining Dictator Down Won’t Make Us Free appeared first on James Bovard.

Run mad as often as you choose; but do not faint

Sinéad Murphy The University of Sunderland is advertising ‘masterclasses’ in ‘Menopause in the Workplace.’ The ad has been running on Smooth Radio, a station under the umbrella of Global – one of the alarmingly few corporate megaliths with increasing command over our airwaves, our money flows and our veins. The ad is voiced in an …

N.Y. Post: Biden’s pick for new CDC czar Mandy Cohen embodies the worst of pandemic policy

New York Post, June 5, 2023 Biden’s pick for new CDC czar Mandy Cohen embodies the worst of pandemic policy By James Bovard President Joe Biden’s choice for new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention chief is a telegenic authoritarian straight from liberal central casting. He’s selecting Mandy Cohen thanks in large part to her […]

“Pro-Russia” does NOT mean anti-globalist

Catte Black For the first six years of our eight-year existence OffG was routinely described as “pro-Russian” by detractors and supporters alike. We were cited on RT and one editor was invited to work for them (they declined). We were classified semi-politely as “Russian disinfo” by certain fact-checkers, and condemned as “Russian trolls” who “found …