
The Anti-Social Behavior Of People Living In Counties Trump Won, Is Steepening The Curve And Spreading The Contagion

Totally In Control by Nancy OhanianIf you sometimes get tempted to wish the anti-social distancing protestors all die, remember, when they get infected they spread the disease outside their own crazy circles-- to family members, neighbors, grocery store clerks, the guy they buy their ammunition from...

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

By NoahHey Republicans! Now you can own the mask that every fine Republican dreams of wearing! Act now and we'll add in a matching robe for a complete ensemble of KKK PPE!Yes, the KKK duds that White House and Republican Congressional staffers don behind closed doors at work are Trump brand duds! And, imagine the rapture you will feel knowing that your order means more money goes to Dear Leader's 2020 campaign!

US Leads Global Wave of Nations Stealing, Seizing and Diverting Coronavirus Equipment

There were dramatic scenes at an airport in Shanghai, China, as U.S. agents hijacked a plane full of lifesaving equipment, including 60 million masks, bound for coronavirus-stricken France. While the plane was on the tarmac, American agents managed to bribe locals into diverting the plane to the United States, plying them with cash.

Coronavirus begins its advance in the USA and Europe [Video]

When the novel coronavirus first made its appearance in Wuhan, China, it was newsworthy, but it seemed difficult to trust the information coming out of China, due to its communist governmental structure. To some extent, this suspicion appears to have been justified, as one of the main doctors who warned his own government about the danger of this virus just died from it. Now the virus appears to be making rapid advances in free nations, most notably Italy, South Korea and Japan, and in Iran, sadly taking the life of one of Ayatollah Khameini’s top advisers on Monday morning, March 2nd.