
COVID COPS: Police Arrest Florida Gym Owner for NOT Forcing Members to Wear Masks

The current hysteria around coronavirus in America is turning police into ‘COVID Cops.’ More crucially though, is the new license being taken by authorities and police to remove civil liberties; enforcing mandatory masks, social distancing and business closures – all based on a vague public threat or ‘state of emergency.’

Incidents like this one have left many people now wondering how long it will be before similar intrusions begin into their homes.

Trump Has Also Triggered A Mass Mental Breakdown-- An Economic Meltdown Will Only Make It Worse

If you're a regular DWT reader, you probably wonder, at least some of the time, how prevelent is mental illness among Trump supporters. Most people think rabid Trumpists are just stupid, but there is a big difference between mental illness and low IQs. Yesterday, USA Today published a report by Kelly Tyko about the Arizona woman, Melissa Rein Lively, who, earlier this month filmed herself tearing down a mask display at a Target in Scottsdale.

UKC News: Gov’t Push Dodgy Numbers, Masks, in Run-up to Vaccine ‘Panacea’

This week, government renews its attempt to re-frame its dubious COVID numbers, while continuing to hide its non-existent risk assessment for mandatory masks. This is all setting the stage for the upcoming push to sell Big Pharma’s experimental vaccine. All this and much more. 
Co-hosts Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with the midweek news round-up. Watch:

HITCHENS: UK Gov’t Decision to Force Us to Wear Face Nappies Will Kill British High Street

As the UK public struggles with the latest State diktat requiring “face coverings” in retails stores, business are facing the prospect of another blow to street trade. Just as many local businesses were preparing for a comeback and hoping to capitalise on a positive second half of summer, the government has swooped in to crush their hopes with more draconian measures meant to “fight the virus” – even though COVID-19 has all but disappeared from hospitals nationwide.
Has government overplayed its hand again on managing this so-called ‘pandemic’?

Republicans Are Giving Themselves COVID-19 In Mississippi And Tennessee

The two without masks both contracted COVID-19. One is the Mississippi House Speaker and the other is the Lt. Gov-- and, of course, they're both TrumpistsTennessee is an overwhelmingly Republican state. All statewide elected officials are Republicans. The state Senate has 28 Republicans and 5 Democrats and the state House has 73 Republicans and 26 Democrats. Both U.S.

Missouri Woman Sues City Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Mask Ordinance

Rachel Shelton and her attorney made the announcement at a news conference outside Springfield’s city hall.
As mandatory mask orders continue to creep across the nation, a woman from the city of Springfield, Missouri, Rachel Shelton, went public with her plans to sue the city and its eight council members after their recent passage of an ordinance that requires residents to mask-up in public.

The Ultimate Divide and Conquer

Western civilization, led by the US government and media, has embarked upon a campaign of mass psychological terrorism designed to cover for the collapsing economy, set up a new pretext for Wall Street’s ongoing plunder expedition, radically escalate the police state, deeply traumatize people into submission to total social conformity, and radically aggravate the anti-social, anti-human atomization of the people.

Masks For All? Good Luck With That

Huntington Beach is in Orange County, between Los Angeles and San Diego. It's the population center of the 48th congressional district and if you want to know how a reactionary Russian spy and psychotic bigot like Dana Rohrabacher could have been elected to Congress 15 times... just watch the video above and try to get into the heads of his people. The current congressman, freshman Harley Rouda isn't nearly as bad as Rohrabacher. He beat Rohrabacher in the anti-red wave of 2018-- 157,837 (54%) to 136,899 (46%).