
It’s the Mask, Stupid: Beware The Covid-Pfizer Jumping Virus!

How did we ever get to this point … to the point where, as I put it in The Covidian Cult, “instead of the cult existing as an island within the dominant culture, the cult has become the dominant culture, and those of us who have not joined the cult have become the isolated islands […]
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CDC Says Fully Vaccinated Americans Can Now Go Maskless Outside – but Not in Crowds

Joe Biden asked Americans to wear face masks for the first 100 days of his presidency. 100 days later, new CDC guidelines say that only fully vaccinated people can do away with masks outdoors, and not when in crowds.
The post CDC Says Fully Vaccinated Americans Can Now Go Maskless Outside – but Not in Crowds appeared first on Lockdown Sceptics.

The Capture of Goodness

Sinead Murphy ‘Goodness’ is not the word I wanted to use in this article. But ‘ethics’ sounded too abstract, ‘morality’ too rule-bound, ‘virtue’ too archaic, and ‘kindness’ too corporate (at least since ‘random acts of kindness’). The ubiquity of that dreaded term ‘safety,’ brayed at us from every angle, has made all the old names …

Climate is the new Covid

Kit Knightly Yesterday was Earth Day. The traditional day environmental hashtags temporarily trend across all social media sites. This year was no different, with the exception of the stronger than usual whiff of agenda. The narrative of the “deadly viral pandemic” is slowly losing momentum. Whether this is through the public having “post viral fatigue”(as …

The Covidian Cult (Part II)

Back in October of 2020, I wrote an essay called The Covidian Cult, in which I described the so-called “New Normal” as a global totalitarian ideological movement. Developments over the last six months have borne out the accuracy of that analogy. A full year after the initial roll-out of the utterly horrifying and completely fictional […]
The post The Covidian Cult (Part II) first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Denying the Demonic

Edward Curtin In March of last year as the coronavirus panic was starting, I wrote a somewhat flippant article saying that the obsession with buying and hoarding toilet paper was the people’s vaccine. My point was simple: excrement and death have long been associated in cultural history and in the Western imagination with the evil …