

By: Jay Dyer
As the recent events (and subsequent incoherent media narratives) in Dallas continue to unravel, familiar patterns have already emerged that once again paint a now familiar picture of large-scale planning. We are now expected to believe this highly coordinated, professional “sniper” operation, whose numbers and details have now significantly changed, were conducted by the likes of a former vet and unknown accomplices for the purposes of targeting “white people,” and in particular, police.

Emerging from the Fog of Capitalism: New Dawns

Finished the first draft of a book about my commentary looking at the belly of the beast from the lower intestine up at the unending gluttony of Capitalism. It feels good, and I am ready to send it to the publisher, after a fellow dissident — John Steppling — looks at it, and, I hope writes a bang up introduction to inculcate some magic from my muses. As always, though, being hyper precarious in this rot gut society, I can’t see much these days as worthy of celebratory zeal to the point of letting my guard down.