
Porkins Policy Radio episode 107 JP Sottile on Evil Jar Jar Binks and the Alt Right’s Alternate Universe

JP Sottile of joins me in the first hour to discuss the next phase of the political soap opera that is Trump’s presidency. We focus on a recent article JP wrote examining the alt-right and the fantasy world they continue to live in. JP gives us his analysis of Steve Bannon’s exit from the White House and back to Breitbart. We talk about how Bannon is still very much in control of Trump’s talking points and the trajectory of his policies and ideology.

A family says goodbye to a ‘martyr’ in Bethlehem [VIDEO]

Mutaz Zawahra was having the time of his life in France on a youth program with two other friends when he got the news that his oldest brother had fallen dangerously ill. His brother, Ghassan, was on hunger strike in Israeli prison protesting his internment without trial or charge, and family members told Mutaz that his older brother may not make it through his strike alive.