Martin Niemöller

Now You Know Why Nobody Gives A Damn About Trump Banging Porn Stars

by Bob LynchWell, Monday was certainly a big day for all the straight, white, Christian, men in this country and there is no doubt that Mother allowed Mike Pence an extra ‘Nilla Wafer before his 8:30 bedtime. But for the rest of us it was an existential crisis.I don’t mean that in the sense of the word that most pseudo intellectuals commonly associate with Sartre or Kierkegaard. I mean it in the literal sense in that it could means a potential end of existence for anyone that doesn’t check the aforementioned boxes.This is no longer a game or a joke or hyperbole folks.

The La Quinta Tour-- A Guest Post By Texas Gubernatorial Candidate Tom Wakely

-by Tom WakelyOn July 22nd I announced I was planning on running as an Economic Populist for Governor of Texas. On August 4th I set out on a 60 day tour of my state not only to introduce myself but to gain a better understanding of why people are not voting. You see, Texas is neither a red state nor a blue state; it is a no-vote state.