Martial Law

NY Mayor de Blasio Refuses to Call National Guard After Looting and Cop Beatings

Over 700 looters were arrested, but more than 400 were immediately released without bail. It appears that city and state leaders have ordered police to stand down to encourage as much violence and destruction as possible to eventually justify martial law, which is the end game for ending America as a free nation.

No-Go Zone: Covid Take Over, Globalism Strengthened

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik looks at how the establishment and the globalists are using Covid-19 is as an excuse to restructure the world. Surveillance, mandatory medical testing, travel certificates are just a few of the measures they will ask us to accept before they "open up" the world again. We also look at food shortage and how farmers are incentivized to dump food.