Martial Law

Trump Tweets that Reports of His Intent to Declare Martial Law Are Fake News

CNN reported that President Trump is considering invoking martial law over efforts to subvert the 2020 presidential election. He held a meeting with attorney Sidney Powell - who recently suggested implementing military tribunals - and with General Michael Flynn - who reportedly suggested declaring martial law.

The US Supreme Court Rejected the Lawsuit from Texas Challenging the Election, and Biden Won the Electoral Vote, But Trump Still Has Options to Reverse Everything

The contested election is not over. Several states sent Republican Electors to cast alternate votes. Vice President Pence will have full authority as president of the Senate on January 6, the day the Electoral votes are officially counted, and he will accept or reject motions to decide the next steps.

Portland Antifa Terrorized Residents and Businesses on Election Night. National Guard Has Been Called.

On Election Night, about 300 BLM-Antifa shut down residential areas of Portland with a motor blockade. Their armed security team included those with semi-auto rifles, shotguns, bats and more. They vandalized businesses, a Catholic church was targeted and they harassed people at their homes.

Adding More Dust onto a Threadbare Empire

Barbara Lee: I’m very terrified with regard to what we see taking place. And the signs are there. When you talk about shutting down the media, putting out their alternative facts, banning dissent and opposition, criticizing people who are exercising their First Amendment rights; trying to get people to believe, really, the distortions that they’re […]
The post Adding More Dust onto a Threadbare Empire first appeared on Dissident Voice.

WATCH: Is the UK heading toward medical martial law?

On the 28th September Tobias Ellwood, Tory MP for Bournemouth East, stood up in Parliament and suggested that the British Army and the Ministry of Defense be in charge of distributing and administering “millions of doses” of the Sars-Cov-2 vaccines, as well as issuing “vaccination certificates” which will “allow travel”. And that’s just the highlights, …