Market Economy

Huawei an enemy, Part II – Rural American carrier of choice [Video]

In part I of this series about Huawei’s current status as the new scapegoat of US foreign policy, we explored the mythological roots of the propaganda push against the Chinese company. We noted that the tactic taken to demonize it resembles almost identically the same tactic as it was deployed against Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab, and its owner and founder Evgeny (Eugene) Kaspersky. That tactic was the employment of a highly circumstantial line of reasoning, that both Mr. Kaspersky and Mr.

The Not So Hidden Hand: Government & Wall Street Manipulation of Stock Markets

Critical Questions for students of Economics and Finance, as well as for retail investors worldwide:  If you were shown how an academic discipline, or an investment marketplace, were rigged, or at the least, not fully what they’re officially sold as being, would you still invest your time, effort and/or hard earned cash?  Or would you want the truth, and to then plan accordingly around it?  Is ‘fitting in’ that important to you to where you’d potentially turn a blind eye to scientific and political realities involving financial corruption?  How long until you lose your shirt on said prescri