Mark Warner

Bob Corker (R-TN)-- Free To Tell The Truth... Other Senators Should Give It A Try. They Owe It To The Country

Bob Corker is a mainstream conservative-- a wealthy businessman who served as the mayor of Chattanooga from 2001-05 and was then elected to the U.S.Senate in 2006, beating corrupt conservative Blue Dog Harold Ford, Jr. Rather than face the wrath of the Mercer/Bannon Machine, possibly backed by Trump, he announced a couple of weeks ago that he will not be seeking reelection in 2018. That came as a surprise since he had already amassed a $6,574,792 campaign war-chest.

The Mystery of the Russia-gate Puppies

By Robert Parry | Consortium News | October 4, 2017 What is perhaps most unprofessional, unethical and even immoral about the U.S. mainstream media’s coverage of Russia-gate is how all the stories start with the conclusion – “Russia bad” – and then make whatever shards of information exist fit the preordained narrative. For instance, we’re […]

Did Putin's Hacking Place Trump In The Oval Office? No One Will Ever Admit It... Or Will They?

One thing that "has been decided," apparently, is that no one in a position of authority is ever going to undermine the U.S. electoral system by admitting the Kremlin really hacked the election itself-- like the shitty very hackable electronic voting machines. The entire national security establishment always, always claimed the Russians didn't tamper with the voting results. But, as I've said all along, they didn't know what they were talking about.

When It Comes To Putin-Gate, Who In Congress Really Will Stand And Deliver?

At some point around 1980, Stuart Goddard (AKA- Adam Ant) had to decide if the band he led was going to be a modern boy band and go for the gold via a path used by contemporaries like Classic Nouveaux, ABC, Simple Minds, Heaven 17, Blancmange... and later so successfully trod by groups like the New Kids on the Block and the Backstreet Boys, or go for the glory of competing with the big boys-- like The Clash, The Smiths and Generation X. If the video above confuses you, don't worry; it confused Stuart and his mates as well.

Conservative Democrats Are On The Verge Of Taking Over The Democratic Party Entirely

Earlier today we talked about a partisan re-alignment that sees an acceleration of socially quasi-moderate but fiscally conservative Republicans migrating to the Democratic Party, the way Hillary Clinton, Charlie Crist and Patrick Murphy did, all of whom have worked diligently to undermine core Democratic values and hard-fought policies.

Wait... Why Didn't Voters Vote?

Many of the Democrats who lost their seats-- or nearly lost their seats-- Tuesday had nothing to offer voters, which helps explain why voters stayed away. DCCC Chair Steve Israel had a purposeful "mystery meat" strategy for his collection of lousy candidates-- almost all of whom lost. That excuse for a strategy calls for candidates to say nothing controversial that might make someone (like a Republican) not want to vote for them.